Training the future Scientific Entrepreneurs

I am Abhinav VKS Grandhi, student of Doctor of Pharmacy in Koringa college of Pharmacy, korangi. I was interested in clinical research and drug discovery. TCABS-E gives us support and wonderful path that will definitely stood up in top position. TCABS-E gives me confidence and I am glad that I am part of TCABS-E and this will definitely helps in shaping us to reach our dreams.

I am Akhila Kamidi, graduated with a bachelor degree in Life Sciences (2017-2020) at Aditya Degree College, Asilmetta, Visakhapatnam. I am among those who think that science has a great beauty. I have developed my interest to learn interdisciplinary sciences and the modestly increasing connections to distant cognitive areas. Working with TCABS-E will be just the right platform to shape your mind and it shows path to succeed in your career. So all we need is a concept and one can work on it under proper assistance and guidance provided by TCABS-E.

I'm Anusha Manam, pursuing my bachelor's in life sciences (2018-2021) from Dr. Lankapalli Bullayya College Visakhapatnam. I'm an enthusiastic student and I feel learning science is a bliss. My dream is to see myself as a teacher who is one of a kind. When I'm looking for an option to have a better picture about my future, that's when TCABS-E came into play, it helped me to understand the real science and also for my individual development. I feel honoured and blissful to be a part of TCABS-E.

I am Anusha Kodidasu pursuing my Master's degree final year in the field of Biotechnology at Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidyalayam (SPMVV), Tirupati. I am an enthusiastic science student who always believe in Science-the future of the world. There is much more outside to understand how a small gene rules the whole human body. There comes my interest in learning recombinant DNA technology. TCABS-E is the best platform that always helps in shaping your mind to seek and learn new things. It also allows you to unleash your mind and bringing out the thoughts. I am so privileged for being a part of TCABS-E and I am greatful to Dr. Ravi Kiran sir for giving me this opportunity.

I am bindu subhashini Devi Nallamilli .I'm a graduated student in the stream of BSc life science ( microbiology, biotechnology, biochemistry) from Rajamahendri women's college, Rajahmundry. I'm a enthusiastic person to learn something new in science field. I'm always run through practical way more than theoretical way. TCABS-E is the right platform to move in a practical way . This is the one where we can develop our ideas and where our dreams come true.

I am Bapa Harsha Vardhini Reddy pursuing my bachelor's final year in combination of botany, zoology, chemistry. Very passionate for the work of research. Fascinated for the inventions. Striving hard and being passionate for the work is main goal. Dedicated for the work and want to be at places of research.

I am shaik Insha Fareed , pursuing bsc biotechnology at adithya degree college, visakhapatnam. I had always been curious about scientific disciplinary concerned with virology. TCABSE is perfect foundation to shape our prospects to great, this is where students get encouraged and benifited with future career aspective skills. To me , TCABSE helped reinforce my knowledge of responsibility and ambition .

I am Isaac Teketi. I have completed my Bsc in the stream of Biotechnology, microbiology and chemistry. And now, with the help of TCABSE, Iam in my way to pursue better things in life sciences. Im very passionate about learning science and I love the way it works and has its way to make all the living organisms function. And Im extremely glad to be a part of TCABSE which helps me explore and gave me a platform to use my ideas and go into the research field.

Iam Jahnavi Priya Mojjada, research aspirant who believes that application of knowledge is the real sense of education. I’m pursuing bachelors in Biotechnology at Dr.Lankapalli Bullayya College, Visakhapatnam. Curiosity is the prime hallmark of a science student. Virology and drug discovery are the fields that always raise my curiosity to the utmost level. TCABSE created a platform to unleash my ideas and helped me in gaining practical knowledge. It stands in the first line in creating opportunities and guiding the aspirants in a visionary way.

I am Manisha Lanka, completed my Bachelor's degree in the stream of Biotechnology, Microbiology and Chemistry from Aditya Degree College, Asilmetta. I always dreamt of becoming a researcher in Molecular Biology but I wasn't sure about how and what to do. I came to know about TCABS-E at the right point of my life and from then my whole perspective towards science has changed. I'm glad that I'm a part of TCABS-E.

I am Meghana Sagar Korabu . I believe future is not what i enter , but what I create . I've graduated from Dr. Lankapalli Bullaya college , Visakhapatnam in the stream of biotechnology, microbiology and Chemistry . I've always aimed to achieve higher standards in research and ever curious to learn new things and techniques in the field of biotechnology. TCABS-E provided me the platform to achieve my dreams. I thank Dr. Ravi kiran for guiding me and providing me this opportunity.

I am Vana Neha. I graduated with bachelor degree in life science (2017-2020) in the stream of Biotechnology, Microbiology, Chemistry from Aditya Degree College, Asilmeta, Visakhapatnam. The good thing about science is that its true whether or not you believe in it. For me science is all about "Always question, Always doubt. Always admits when it is wrong. When challenged, replies with evidence@. TCABS-E creates a platform to build a great career in science with an amazing exposure to all fields. I'm in love with the way TCABS-E thrives for perfection in students. I'm glad to be one of the members of TCABS-E and looking forward to shoot up in future as a researcher under the guidance of mentors.

I'm Shyam Kumar Gampa. I have completed my bsc in the stream of biotechnology, microbiology and chemistry, in Dr.Lankapalli bullayya college. After completing my graduation I don't have any idea about my future, I don't even know what to do. To be honest, at some point I thought why I choose science? I don't have any hopes on my future with this stream (mbbtc). But After doing internship in TCABS-E I came to know that there is many opportunities on science. I have some clarity about my future and I really improved a lot compared to my academics. Here in this TCABS-E, avg students like me also can shine and gain some confidence. Here students will be encouraged and motivated in next level. This is the platform where students can shine. I really thank Dr. Ravi kiran sir and rama krishna sir. For guiding and encouraging me.

Iam sony harmaljeet graduated with [2017 TO 2020] in the stream of biotechnology ,Microbiology ,chemistry.I like the idea of research but i did'nt reallly see it fitting into my career. When i stepped into TCABS-E I started dreaming of being scientist in next 5 years. My experience in TCABS-E is they make us move towords the promise of true precision life sciences and a future where we can learn more scientific techniques pratically rather than theoretical. TCABS-E platform paves the way to a promised future for students, Thankyou.

I'm Suvarna Gollu, pursuing Bsc biotechnology (2018-2021) in Dr. Lankapalli bullaya degree college. I'm ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for my self,so have something to strive toward.I'm always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness and where I found that in TCABS-E. TCABS-E helped me with building my self as a true science student where I find myself capable. I'm so privileged for being a part of TCABS-E and I'm thankful to Dr. Ravi Kiran sir for giving me this great opportunity.

I am Vinay kumar Thota. I graduated with BSc (biotechnology, botany and chemistry) from Government degree college, Anantapur. At present I am pursuing my post graduation in MSc Biotechnology from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati. I have always been intrigued by the genes and their effects on life. My research interests are in the field of plant tissue culture, the effects of chemicals used in plant production on human body. The amount of research exposure I got from TCABS-E during my internship has altered my thinking abilities, especially in the use of PROTAC for regulating several human diseases. The mottos and values TCABS-E stands for are unique and inspiring. I hope to learn more and succeed in making our society a better and a happy place through scientific research.