Training the future Scientific Entrepreneurs
Welcome to TCABSE-J Rxive!
The Center for Advanced-Applied Biological Sciences &
Entrepreneurship-Journal (TCABSE-J)
ISSN: 2583-2557
TCABSE-J Rxive is an online archive of manuscripts that were submitted to TCABSE-J but were not within the scope of scientific merit (as determined by the Editor-in-chief and/or peer review members of the editorial board) for publication in TCABSE-J.
We believe that any scientific research done with good quality experimental design with complete data is good to publish rather than reject. However, the authors make a final decision whether their manuscript should be displayed in the TCABSE-J Rxive that will be open access to the international community. The authors may also opt for withdrawing their manuscript instead of depositing in the TCABS-J Rxive. Manuscripts deposited in TCABSE-J Rxive can be cited as references.
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