Training the future Scientific Entrepreneurs
The Center for Advanced-Applied Biological Sciences &
Entrepreneurship-Journal (TCABSE-J)
The special inaugural issue of TCABSE-J launched on October 25th, 2020!
TCABSE-J Perspective:
Combination of anti-asthmatics with remdesivir may reduce the necessity for
the usage of ventilators in severe COVID-19 cases including the elderly.​
(Yedidi 2020)
ISSN: 2583-2557
TCABSE-J Applications Report:
Triplet codons to amino acids: Applications of machine learning approaches to protein translation made simple for college students. (Koppala et al. 2020)
TCABSE-J Commentary:
Genome packing: the complicated complexity! (Yedidi 2020)
TCABSE-J Structure Report:
X-ray crystal structure analysis of a multidrug-resistant variant of HIV-1 protease in complex with a chroman-4-amine containing protease inhibitor. (Yedidi 2020)
TCABSE-J Communications:
Vantage point: new insights into old enteric fever treatment by rescuing the host cell ubiquitin-proteasome system. (Dadala et al. 2020)
TCABSE-J Review:
Impact of COVID-19 on culture and society. (Addala & Yedidi 2020)
TCABSE-J Strategic Communications:
The OMICAS, Can-IT: Onco-Molecular Immunotherapeutic Constellation Analytics Spectrum in Cancer Immunotherapy. (Aggunna & Yedidi 2020)
TCABSE-J Analysis Report:
Mapping and analysis of cathepsin cleavage site distribution on the 3-D model
of human thyroglobulin for potential inhibitor design. (Gandi & Yedidi 2020)
TCABSE-J Applications Report:
Leveraging the active site steric hindrance for GTP hydrolysis in mutant
K-Ras variants to achieve selectivity in kinase inhibitors for cervical cancer. (Chittipeddi et al. 2020)
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